Welcome to the website of Nan Shaolin Choi Mok Pai
Nan Shaolin Choi Mok Pai or Nam Siu Lam Choi Mok Pai (“Shaolin” in “Mandarin” and “Nan” in south) is about a traditional Chinese martial art, unknown to the most people, which was transformed in the decade of 1920 and actually comes from the south monastery of Shaolin, strengthened with the best and most powered techniques from other distinguished traditional Kung Fu styles. This combination aimed the effectiveness and the development of the style.
Founder’s life, Lau Sze Chung, was generally reckless, stormy and dangerous and he had the chance to be taught by the best masters in different parts of China. Having experienced the nasty attitude of the Japanese soldiers towards his fellow countrymen, he decided to help them through his long-termed and distinguished experience in martial arts and as a combative member of the revolutionary struggle against the Japanese conquerors, he used and developed his fighting skills in order to survive in the mortal battle fields. So, he taught how to fight and to face effectively the Japanese invadors and as a consequence his compatriots managed not only to survive defending their dignity and physical integrity but also to resist with strength and determination. The technique was judged for its effectiveness and fighting nature and it showed its advantages in crucial situations, not only in challenges and combats or technique exchanges, but also in high risks and mostly for survival.
Although Choi Mok Pai is strictly directed to practical use in real battle (that’s why the men practising in this style were known as great fighters in the past), however manages to combine the fighting skills with the internal development. Masters who represented this technique were all distinguished fighters and they believed very much in the ideas of survival, battle and practical fight among the various martial styles and fighters. The technique of Choi Mok “was tested” successfully in particularly “tough” conditions in the battle fields and it survived until today, without being widely spread in west civilization’, but also without being shut to those who are interested in knowing its secrets.